1. I went to The Great Commandment Prayer Seminar on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was sponsored by Standing Together. And because I'm such a supportive girlfriend, *wink* I went to the conference. It was really good, I learned about corporate and personal prayer. I think I'll do a prayer post soon. Stay tuned for some life changing prayer tips from Andrea slash Pastor Dee Duke.
2. My car broke down at the 7th east and 9th south intersection yesterday afternoon. It was so lame and my car couldn't have shut down in a more inconvenient spot on the road. I called Paul and he was so great. He jumped in his truck and headed over. A couple really nice men stopped and pushed my car off the road. I'm so happy nice helpful people exist. I sat in the Cumming's Chocolate parking lot until Paul came and saved the day. He totally knew how to fix my car and conveniently enough he had just the tool to get me back on the road...a gas can with a gallon of gas in it...oopsie. At least it was easy to fix!
3. I got a henna tattoo last Saturday at the farmers market. I keep forgetting t

o take a picture but it still looks pretty good. Here it is. I love it and I kinda think it would be fun to have a real tattoo that looks henna. Maybe I'll do it and I'll just tell my mom that I keep getting the henna redone. Check out my ink!
4. Robyn is moving back to California. She's so much fun! I'm gonna miss her. But I guess this is just another reason to convince Paul that we need to spend more time in California. I met her 6 months ago but we've only become pretty good friends over the past few weeks. Her roommates had a surprise goodbye party for her Wednesday night.

5. I DVRed the presidential debate last night and I watched it later. I can't decide who won. Some of John's comments and humor attempts bug me, but I think he's smart. So is Obama though. I'm not following it much cuz they are both not my type...that's right, I have a US prez type, and Grandpa Johnny and the O-bomb are not it.
6. The Office was good. I hope a romantic interest for Pam doesn't really develop in NYC. I can't take it. Plus, does she even know how lucky she is to have Jim?!? I mean, come on Beasley, he's almost as good as Paul!! ;)
7. I got healthy food yesterday for my new plan. I'm done trying to be one of those women who looks at the ads and makes a list for each store. I went to 4 grocery stores yesterday for like 2 or 3 things at each place just to save a buck. It was frustrating. I honestly didn't get one thing on any list that was just right there conveniently placed for me to find it. I bet if I'd just got everything at one store I woulda spent about the same and saved me a couple hours.
8. Paul is sick. I'm pretty sure my germs invaded his body. Sad.
9. Scott and Laura got their engagement pictures taken today. My cute friend Kylee did them. Paul and I went along with them, just for fun. We said we were going to help, but I think we were more of a distraction than a help. Oh well!

10. Tonight Paul and I went to a BBQ at our friend Grant's house. It was a lot of fun. Grant did the cooking and it was amazing. He's pretty gourmet. I took dip and chips as an appetizer and it was a HUGE hit. It's my sister-in-laws recipe. Try it.
6 roma tomatoes
1 can of corn
1 can of black olives
3 large avocados
1 small bottle (or can) of artichoke hearts
1 package dry italian seasoning dressing mix
3 limes
Chop and mix everything but the limes and the seasoning. Then squeeze the juice from the limes and poor that and the seasoning over the mixed ingredients and stir together. Salt and pepper to taste.
*sidenote* I changed a couple things. My avocados were way small so I actually used 6 little ones. And the tomatoes were small too so I think I added 1 or 2 extra there too. Just add enough so the red and green look equal-ish in the bowl, then add everything else. Umm, I used key limes and not regular limes and I love lime so I think I used 8 or 10 baby key limes. And, I added 1 jalapeño pepper (that you totally couldn't taste) and some cilantro. I love cilantro and it could have used a little more.