[uh-dik-shuhn] –noun. the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
On average, I eat 4lbs of ice a day. I buy it in 8lb bags and I go through 3-4 bags a week. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I think the most I ever consumed in one day was about 7lbs. It sounds like a lot but if you weighed the water you drink, (or should drink) I think I'm about right on. I drink water too. I prefer ice over any dessert and if I had to choose between ice and a meal, I'd choose ice. When I travel I worry about finding a place that has it. If I'm road tripping I take a cooler just for ice. I crave it all the time and I bet that 99% of the time I can guess how much I can eat in a certain amount of time, and I take exactly enough to get me to my location. I.e, home to Paul's, the gym, church, the airport, etc. I HATE wasting crushed ice, other ice can melt away and I'm fine with it, but crushed ice? its a crime. Unless I'm in a huge hurry I sit in my car and finish it the 1% of the time I'm wrong. I've even snuck it into movie theaters in ziplocs. I also take it camping, but I eat it faster then because I know its slowly melting! I used to buy it at Sonic but now they don't always sell it (depending on their drink purchases that day I guess). Now I get it at Emigration Market. I think they think I'm crazy cuz I'm there so much. I spend about $300 a year on it. (Not including when I buy a drink at Common Cents, just for the ice, but that probably only adds $25 a year though.) Besides Sonic, Common Cents and Emigration Market, you can also get the ice at Bajio's, one of the two machines at Costa Vida in Logan, any hospital, IKEA, a Greek restaurant on historic 25th in Ogden, Red Robin has it in the bar, but you have to ask for it, It's a Grind Coffee Shop in SoCal and TGI Friday's in Keiv, Ukraine. Oh, and Carnival Cruise ships. When I'm down to a half a bag, I get a little worried. The Sonics in California won't sell it in bags and I don't know if little ol' It's a Grind can keep up with me. That's our biggest moving dilemma. I almost never leave the house without a cup of ice. And back in the day when I had friends and a busy social life people would say you're not true friends with me unless you have at least 2 of my plastic cups in your apartment and one in your car.
I hate seeing things like this. What a waste.

Hey Andrea, it's your cousin, Janae. happened upon your blog through Megan's through Sara's then you. So it's been fun to see what you're up to. Hmm I think I need to pick up your addiction, way better then my diet coke addiction plus maybe it'd keep other things out of my mouth (i.e. food, etc)Which would naturally lead to a lighter sexier me and who wouldn't want that? I think I didn't know or forgot you were getting married, congrats, seems like a great guy and every girl deserves a great one! Sorry since I got married and started having kids it's been all too easy to get wrapped up in my little life and not stay in touch (go to showers etc for cousins)So glad you're so happy! Life is to short not to enjoy, I'll probably be peeking in on you now from time to time! Good Luck with the wedding plans!
If you spend $300/year on crushed ice, you may want to just consider buying a fridge the crushes ice for you... it'll save you money in the long run and probably be cheaper on your electric bill anyway!
i have two comments about your ice addiction. first, did you know there's a connection between eating ice and anemia?? secondly, if sonic and it's a grind can't help you, i guess you can't move to california!!!!!!!! :)
Cat, Yeah I heard about the Anemia connection with ice. I didn't believe it til my doc confirmed it. And I'm anemic, so I guess we can call this a medical condition and not an addiction. :)
See, it's perfect! Completely excusable and not all wrong! And I agree with David... maybe you should buy a freezer that crushes ice. I will always think of you whenever I have crushed ice now!
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