January 19
This is on the front of my apartment building. This lion has had garbage in him mouth for about 3 days. I think it's funny.
January 20
The Utah State Capital on Inauguration day. President Barack Obama was sworn in as our 44th president, and first African American president.
January 21
My early evening walk in the avenues. Finding unique beauty in the dead of winter.
January 22
Paul and I try to go on a date every thursday. We're still together every evening, but we make it a point to go out at least once a week. This was dinner at Panda Express and the dollar movie. Sometimes its fancy, sometimes its not so much. Whatever it is, we always have fun.
January 23
One of Paul's old roommates got married. Sadly, I didn't get a good picture of the bride and groom. :( But here is a picture of us and some friends on the dance floor.
January 24
Paul and I went to hang out with mom and dad. Paul watched basketball with dad and me and mom went and played games at the grandparents.
January 25
Food Poison. I'm sure of it. Yuck. Paul is such a good caretaker.

The Utah State Capital on Inauguration day. President Barack Obama was sworn in as our 44th president, and first African American president.

My early evening walk in the avenues. Finding unique beauty in the dead of winter.

Paul and I try to go on a date every thursday. We're still together every evening, but we make it a point to go out at least once a week. This was dinner at Panda Express and the dollar movie. Sometimes its fancy, sometimes its not so much. Whatever it is, we always have fun.

One of Paul's old roommates got married. Sadly, I didn't get a good picture of the bride and groom. :( But here is a picture of us and some friends on the dance floor.

Paul and I went to hang out with mom and dad. Paul watched basketball with dad and me and mom went and played games at the grandparents.

Food Poison. I'm sure of it. Yuck. Paul is such a good caretaker.