Sunday, January 25, 2009

Project 365: Week 4

January 19
This is on the front of my apartment building. This lion has had garbage in him mouth for about 3 days. I think it's funny.
January 20
The Utah State Capital on Inauguration day. President Barack Obama was sworn in as our 44th president, and first African American president.
January 21
My early evening walk in the avenues. Finding unique beauty in the dead of winter.
January 22
Paul and I try to go on a date every thursday. We're still together every evening, but we make it a point to go out at least once a week. This was dinner at Panda Express and the dollar movie. Sometimes its fancy, sometimes its not so much. Whatever it is, we always have fun.
January 23
One of Paul's old roommates got married. Sadly, I didn't get a good picture of the bride and groom. :( But here is a picture of us and some friends on the dance floor.
January 24
Paul and I went to hang out with mom and dad. Paul watched basketball with dad and me and mom went and played games at the grandparents.
January 25
Food Poison. I'm sure of it. Yuck. Paul is such a good caretaker.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

dead stuff in the dead of winter

It took me almost 29 years to realize that I like to exercise. But now that I have that down, I've decided that I need a little fresh air exercise. I'm not gonna go over board with goals and expectations cuz I don't want to set myself up to fail, but the plan is to go for a walk twice a week, (at least). This isn't replacing my mornings at the gym, it's just a little extra. I went early evening last night and it was so nice. I was kind of inspired by 'Yes Man'. Good movie. The girl in that movie teaches a jogging/photography class. She makes a point that blurry pictures that are taken while jogging aren't in high demand, but who cares? She enjoys it. I've wanted to get into photography for a while now. I don't want to make it a profession and I don't wanna sell the pictures, so who cares if they're good. It's just fun to do. These aren't jogging pictures, they're just little dead things in nature that I decided to try and make look cool. I like being outside, I like to exercise, I have a camera, so, I'm gonna take pictures.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where is February?

***Disclaimer*** I have a lot to be thankful for and I could make a list probably bigger than this one of blessings and amazing people who help me through little stresses, but this post is not that.

Even though February is the shortest month of the year it usually feels like the longest for me. But this year I'm ready for it. I've been in a January rut...

1. I started up laser treatments again. I was starting to feel ok about my skin a couple months ago, but now the pain, itchiness, dark blotchy color and peeling is back. I hate it and I just want even toned nice skin. When will it end??

2. This on again off again cold has got to go. I've been sniffy and sore throaty for 3 weeks. I wish it would just hit me hard and move on, or just move on.

3. I'm mad that I hurt my back. It's a total inconvenience. And even though the constant pain is gone, I've been having a little numbness and headaches. I don't think it's gonna fix itself. And just to add to my pity party, I have no problem getting a massage, everyday would be great, but when I'm in the middle of laser treatments massages just can't happen.

4. Cramps.

5. Broken dishes, job stress, burned out tail light, check engine light, sleepless nights, Joelle not getting voted off the biggest loser, One Way streets that go the wrong way, lost spare car key, burned banana bread that sticks to the pan. All those totally unimportant, pretty easy things to deal with that add up and make me feel like my world is crashing down.

And then, the light at the end of the tunnel. Paul is amazing. So is his dad. In their conversations over the past couple weeks, I think my stress and overwhelmness has no doubt come up. So, on Jan. 30th Paul's dad is flying us out to California for a long weekend. We'll be there from friday night til monday night. We get to be there for a wedding of one of Paul's childhood friends, and Super Bowl sunday. And to do nothing but nothing. Aww.... So, we fly out in January and back in February. Hopefully it will be a good turning point for my attitude problem.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This is a good day. I think I said enough about this here.
I'm glad this day has finally come!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Project 365: Week 3

January 12
Paul and I try to not be "TV" people. BUT, we have 5 shows right now. The Bachelor, (mine) 24, (ours) American Idol, (his) The Biggest Loser, (mine) The Office, (ours). We watched 5 hours tonight! But just cuz we had 2 days of 24 to catch up on and the 2 hour Bachelor. Oh, and we actually did it in just under 4 hours. Gotta love that DVR!
January 13
I've never been good with plants. A plant guy at the farmer's market who I once explained my luck to, said his best advise was to buy silk plants. :( I didn't give up. I've still killed a few since then, but I'm doing much better. This morning was the day I trim, pull out dead leaves, and mist with water. They always look so fresh and happy. I really love plants.
January 14
We had chinese delivered cuz after working all day, and a hurt back we didn't wanna cook. I was mildly offended by this. Mine was the top one and Paul's was the bottom. He tried to make me feel better by saying they were both for both of us...I thought we should just trade. Oh well, the food was good, and I didn't exercise today.
January 15
Tepanyaki Japanese Steakhouse. Robbie and Angie, Tera and Mario. They took Paul and I there for dinner and then to a movie. It was a much needed night out and so fun!
January 16
I had an appointment in Bountiful so I ran over to see Grandma and Grandpa. Paul had to work late, so I spent the rest of the evening with my mom. I love family.
January 17
One of our favorite couples here in Utah, Garry and Lynn, are moving home to Canada. We helped them load the truck. Kinda bittersweet to see them go...
January 18
Elizabeth, Laura, Me, Neally. At a bridal shower for my cousin Angela. (We also had Dave's birthday dinner but this picture was a cuter one. All the guys stayed back at mom and dads to watch football while the girls went to the shower.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spring Cleaning in January

So, I predicted a marriage in June and my blogger friend Kelly informed me that my May prediction of cleaning and consolidating might be unrealistic. I think she's right... So I suddenly got this burst of energy that's lasted for a week! I hope it keeps going. I've cleaned out my spare bedroom that barely had carpet showing because of all the Christmas decor, blankets, junk, pans that didn't fit in the kitchen...anything and everything that I wanted to hide. Now it's completely clean and in order and all set up to be a scrapbook room/office. I love it. (I shoulda taken a before picture, it was bad.)
The Christmas stuff is all packed away and in order and stored in my space in the basement of my building.

Next I did closets. I have 3. First I did warm weather clothes, cold weather clothes, and all the random in between stuff. I have one closet left of pants, dresses, and skirts.

I have a list of things still to do.

-scarves and hats
-jewelry (which I started)
-shoes (done)
-storage bins under the bed (which I started)

I still feel way motivated so that's good.

The DI pile is now in the trunk and back seat of my car and I'm feeling much better.

I'm kind of obsessed about it. I get up early and I stay up late. I'm even doing other little organization things like deleting phone numbers from my phone of people I don't remember and deleting duplicate pictures and organizing albums so I can start printing photos. It's great.

Do it. Get rid of some stuff. Just start with one little project. It's so refreshing.

-Ok, so this post has been in the works for a couple days and last night I was pulling bins in and out from under my bed. Lifting, pulling, pushing, sliding. I was trying to hurry because Paul was on his way over and I was cooking dinner. Anyway, something happened to my back. I felt it pull but it wasn't bad. By the time Paul got here I couldn't stand up. He had to finish dinner, bring me food, clean up. And by the end of the night I was comfortable, warm, and all drugged up. He's a great care taker. He helped with...a lot of things! This morning I'm unfortunately not much better. I'm debating between a doctor or a massage. But I'm alone and really don't have the energy to do much other than lay on a hot rice bag and take pills...I can't wait for Paul to get off work...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Project 365: Week 2

January 5
A quiet evening at home. So cold, and snow, snow, snow. This is the view from my front door, so glad its warm on the other side.
January 6
Cupcakes! Our healthy snack while watching 'The Biggest Loser.' ...we'll try something better next week.
January 7
I love January days like this in Utah. The sun is working so hard to shine through the clouds and make the day not so gray. Beautiful sky!
January 8
Date night. Paul took me to get Mexican food at Red Iguana, then Spoon Me, then we watched 27 Dresses.
January 9
My work of art from the Magic Bullet. If you don't have one, you should buy one.
January 10
The biggest the moon will look in 2009. 31,000 miles closer to earth than it will be at it's furthest point this year.
January 11
Smoothies! I got my dad a Magic Bullet for Christmas so tonight we decided to all help him break it in. Have I mentioned at everyone should own one of these??

I made it though the second week! Sometimes its boring, (sorry) but I'm powering through! I think it'll be way cool in 354 days.

Monday, January 5, 2009

resolution shmesolution

I know, 2 posts in one day. You may think I'm bored but I'm actually pretty busy today, but I need to get this one more thought out. I started thinking about this at the jam-packed gym this morning. Gotta love those first-monday-of-the-new-year-resolutioners at the gym. I'm sure by the end of the week or at most 2 weeks, it'll be back to normal. Ya know, open machines, parking spots, and all the familiar faces that go to the gym regularly for their health and not just Jan. 1st-10th.

I hate new years resolutions. I don't want to volunteer to feel guilty. If I was making resolutions it would be things like, lose 20 lbs. by hanging a sign on the fridge that says, "nothing tastes better than skinny", wear sun block daily, hang up a vinyl lettering sign that says, "The best things in life aren't things." to get myself to never impulse buy, give up sugar, stop lying to bums by saying I don't carry cash. Ya know, crap like that.

Instead, here's a list of things I won't do in '09.

  • I won't get regular oil changes. I'll just do it when my car needs to be vacuumed.
  • I won't go the the gym if I don't feel like it. Fortunately, I'm one of the people who has made it a daily habit, and almost look forward to that time, but if my body needs a break, I'll take it and be fine with it.
  • I won't run a marathon, and I'll probably give up 1/8 marathons too (5Ks). I hate running. And I always will.
  • I won't give up reality TV or my DVR.
  • I won't wear make-up everyday.
  • I won't forget how blessed I am to have Paul.
  • I won't give up sugar.
  • I won't stop texting in the car...I know, mom. I'll try to just do it when I'm at stop lights.
  • I won't clean the bathrooms and mop the floors once a week.
Man, that feels good!

Get ready to watch me succeed!!

looking back on '08, and forward to '09.

Here is what I predicted for '08...kinda off on a couple things...We'll see how I do this year.

***This is what actually happened in 2008.***

January- I got home from Ukraine. I moved in to my own 2 bedroom apartment in the Avenues. I left for Peru.

February- I got home from my amazing trip to Peru on Feb. 15th. I met Paul on Feb. 16th.

March- Kristin broke her foot and I became her designated driver. I got an angel bed. I started trying a ton of different churches.

April- The Mexico rediscovery trip (year 3) didn't happen in Feb. like I predicted. I went in April.

May- I went to Kristin and Taylors graduations but didn't meet Andrew. I went to Hawaii.

June- Dave and Neally got married. I found myself spending a ton of time with Paul. I went to Vegas with Kristin where she had a job interview.

July- I learned a lot about the Lord, and realized the positive changes I was making in my life. Paul and I took a break. Kristin moved to Vegas.

August- I started photo facial laser treatments for sun damage. I went to California with Paul.

September- Paul and I officially started dating. We went to California again.

October- I wasn't Winnie the Pooh for Halloween. I visited Kristin at her new home in Vegas. Paul and I went to California again.

November- Paul had a birthday and finished his time at Standing Together. Scott and Laura got married. Celine Dion postponed her concert til Feb.

December- We went to California. Then we went to California again for Christmas. I kissed Paul...(a good option for a future husband) under the mistletoe. No, it wasn't our first kiss, but it was our first kiss under mistletoe. My fear of commitment has disappeared.

***My 2009 predictions/hopes/thoughts.***

January- We go to California. We talk about Mha...... Paul starts a new job. I start looking for a second or new job.

February- I finally finish laser treatments. I go to the Celine Dion concert. I start a new job.

March- I get engaged...ish... I don't go on my 4th Mexico rediscovery vacation.

April- Grandpa turns 90 and I convince the fam to have a big party! I love Grandpas, especially mine.

May- I simplify and de-junk my apartment.

June- I move. I get married.

July- I buy the new TV that I thought I'd buy a year ago.

August- Paul and I go on a sunny vacation to celebrate how well I did at staying out of the sun for a year.

September- I get baby hungry.

October- I bust out the ol' Winnie the Pooh for another year, and I try to find Tigger for Paul.

November- I get baby hungry...did I mention that?...

December- We talk about moving...

I really have no clue what '09 looks like, so my predictions could be, and probably are way off...but I feel like its gonna be a good year and I'm looking forward to it.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Project 365: Week 1

I'm doing it. A picture a day for one year. Every Sunday night I'll post 7 new pictures. One from each day of the previous week. (This week just has 4 because we're only 4 days in.)

Maybe this will revolutionize the way I scrapbook...maybe it'll help me keep a better journal...maybe it'll make me appreciate everyday stuff more...

I love taking pictures, but my focus is usually events, vacations, etc. I never think to remember the little day to day stuff that really IS life. I know, the big things are life too, but what a great way to capture both!

January 1
Mom and Dad rented a hot tub on New Years Day. Kinda random, but really fun. We had dinner and relaxed in the driveway in this tub on wheels!
January 2
Paul showed up with flowers. No particular reason, just love.
January 3
Anne wanted to have a party at my house and she wanted to do all the food. I love parties and I love cooking. But once in a while it's nice when all I have to do is get a stack of plates out and enjoy! Thanks, Anne.
January 4
At church I learned about human trafficking in Thailand. Mercy House Coffee is a non-profit foundation that saves children from being sold into slavery and prostitution. I get so overwhelmed when I hear stories about these little innocent children. It breaks my heart. I would love to get involved with this more...just like I'd love to get involved with any organization like this. I wish I was doing more to help. But for now, I started with a bag of coffee. Read more,

Saturday, January 3, 2009

So far this year I...

-Have had 2 parties at my house.
-Got flowers.

-Have NOT gone to the gym. (Looking forward to Monday!)

-Have taken down Christmas.
-Have NOT slept in my own bed. (I've had company and I'm pretty much a total giver.)

-Sat in my parents driveway in my swimming suit.
-Watched the UTES be awesome.

-Started Project 365

-Have NOT gone to sleep before 3am.

-Found out my lease is up in a month, and my rent goes up in a month. :(

But not too bad so far. I'm looking forward to getting back on my normal schedule of sleeping, working out, eating less...just being productive I guess.

P.S. For those of you dying to know. My '09 predictions are on the way. Oh, and the start of Project 365 will probably be posted tomorrow. I'm kind of excited about it.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!...but I'm still on Christmas...

California Christmas...the quick version.

We were in California from Dec. 23-29. It was a lot of fun. Here's a few highlights...

1. Paul's mom gave us all PJs on Christmas eve, and a lot of fun presents on Christmas day.
2. It rained on Christmas day. I was really hoping for a sunny Christmas, but the rest of the time was sunny so it was ok.

3. Paul took me to BIOLA to see where he went to school.
4. A lot of California transplants who live in Utah now were home for Christmas so Paul's dad cooked us an amazing lunch. Some of the Cali's have moved back home so it was good to see everyone. Oh, and Dave Crazy was there from IL too, so fun!
5. Paul's dad is an amazing cook. I felt like all he did was cook, put out a huge spread of food, we'd eat and eat and eat, clean up, and start all over again...for a week. good.

6. We spent 2 evenings working on a quilt for Richard. He works at the family Mortuary and he really wanted a quilt. Paul's mom is a big time quilter so the first night we worked on the top, the nice looking blue and white side. On the second night we got to make the back of the quilt and we got to each do a square however we wanted. Those are the black ones with colorful designs. I loved it, it was fun!...I want one. (Richard is the guy in the bottom right picture.)
7. On sunday afternoon Paul took me to the beach. It was so nice! No one was there and it was so relaxing. Most of these are Paul's pictures...I'm not a fan of some...but he likes 'em...and maybe he reads this... I love him. We're so cute together! ;)
I love Paul's family. I feel so comfortable with them. So even though I missed my family, I was still with family. They made Christmas really great. We didn't do a ton on this trip, but it was still full of fun and so relaxing. Merry Christmas! And New Years fun is on the way. I'm excited for '09... I think it'll be good.