Sunday, January 4, 2009

Project 365: Week 1

I'm doing it. A picture a day for one year. Every Sunday night I'll post 7 new pictures. One from each day of the previous week. (This week just has 4 because we're only 4 days in.)

Maybe this will revolutionize the way I scrapbook...maybe it'll help me keep a better journal...maybe it'll make me appreciate everyday stuff more...

I love taking pictures, but my focus is usually events, vacations, etc. I never think to remember the little day to day stuff that really IS life. I know, the big things are life too, but what a great way to capture both!

January 1
Mom and Dad rented a hot tub on New Years Day. Kinda random, but really fun. We had dinner and relaxed in the driveway in this tub on wheels!
January 2
Paul showed up with flowers. No particular reason, just love.
January 3
Anne wanted to have a party at my house and she wanted to do all the food. I love parties and I love cooking. But once in a while it's nice when all I have to do is get a stack of plates out and enjoy! Thanks, Anne.
January 4
At church I learned about human trafficking in Thailand. Mercy House Coffee is a non-profit foundation that saves children from being sold into slavery and prostitution. I get so overwhelmed when I hear stories about these little innocent children. It breaks my heart. I would love to get involved with this more...just like I'd love to get involved with any organization like this. I wish I was doing more to help. But for now, I started with a bag of coffee. Read more,

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