So, cue the sad song and grab a tissue.
Is the song on??...Ok, keep reading.
I'm kinda sad about relationships. I love them and I think they are amazing. But I've been thinking a lot about all the different dynamics of relationships with people that I have and have had in my life.
Even though I haven't lived outside of Utah for too much of my life, I've had the opportunity to travel quite a bit and I've met people from all over the world. I've also had people that I really care about move away from Utah. Last night I was thinking about people and missing a few. I have friends in Ukraine, Germany, England, Chile, Peru, Israel, just to name a few. As well as several states here in America (Hawaii, California, Alabama, Maryland) that I never see. Some people that I care a lot about that I might never see again. It sucks.
I've been thinking about relationships that are developing in my life right now and how sometimes I'm self destructive or I kind of sabotage things that are going really well. I think I let myself think too much about good relationships that have come and gone that have hurt me over the years so I try to keep a safe distance or I build a wall if you will, to protect myself. I let myself think that sometime this will inevitably end so if I keep myself from putting my whole heart into it so I get less hurt when things change and the connection fades, it will hurt less, instead of just embracing it, and living in and loving the moment. I wonder how many good things I've let go because I'm scared of getting hurt. This is starting to sound romanticy, but it's more than romantic relationships. I get attached to people. I know everything happens for a reason and people come into our lives when we really need them, and I guess when paths have crossed and begin to go their separate ways again that's probably for a reason too, but it's still way hard.
I've been thinking about this monk in Hawaii. And his lotus leaf advice. Here's what he said and

Today I got an email from the guy who is planning our 10 year high school reunion that is happening in August. He was one of my closest friends and I haven't seen or talked to him in 10 years! He attached a list of 306 people that we graduated with that are MIA and asked if I had contact info on any of them. I knew a good percent of the people on the list when we were in HS, and was friends with quite a lot as well. I have email addresses and/or phone numbers for 7. Only 7 out of 306! That part was a total side note. It just made me think more about people coming and going.
Well, that's all. I don't have a good "final thought" to wrap this up. I wish I did. So if you wanna hit repeat on the sad song you're listening to, and just sit and think for a moment about me and some awesome advise you might have, then feel free. ;)