Thursday, May 8, 2008

monks squared.

We went and saw a Hindu temple yesterday. I like Hindu Monks. Maybe I was so in to it because all kinds of religious beliefs get my attention these days. It was really cool. Hindus believe in karma, reincarnation, they believe all life is sacred and is to be loved and revered, so they practice ahimsa -noninjury in thought, word and deed. This one is cool, they believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of God's Light, deserving tolerance and understanding. I think I believe that too. With emphasis on Genuine. This cute monk below, and in the collage above gave some good advice.

He said, "Live your life affectionately detached. Like water on a lotus leaf." Think about that. He happened to be standing by a pond with lotus leaves floating in it and he splashed some water on one. Kind of cool. I need to live more like that I decided. I think I'm a pretty passionate person, which is good I guess, but I get too attached to people and situations. I struggle with the fact that people and the world are constantly changing and that no matter how good things, or people, or relationships are, they're going to change. Amazing friendships will come and go. That makes me sad, but it's happened to me, so I know it's true. I'm kinda sad right now about some people in my life so maybe that's why this monks words affected me so much. Anyway...onto the next monk.

Look how cute this Monk Seal is. Endangered species are always cute.

Sometimes monk seals come onto the beach to take a nap. A beach worker (I don't know what they are called) puts yellow tape around the area to give a safe distance between the seal and the people. It might be fun to be a monk seal. And when I lay on the beach someone could block me off with yellow tape so I could sleep in peace, and people would gather and take pictures, and I'd be endangered. Maybe I could become Hindu and wish for that in my next life.


Anonymous said...

You would be the sexiest monk seal on the beach! You're so funny...and a liiittle crazy. ;-))

Anonymous said...

Is the "beach worker" maybe called a Life Guard??? LOL...oh I love you Andrea. :)

it's me, andrea. said...

Funny Jake. Smart ass. And no, it's an animal conservationist...or that a job?

And thanks Chris, I'm fine being a little crazy, as long as you think I'm funny and sexy too. xo