Saturday, June 21, 2008

Run Andrea, Run.

So I mentioned below that I might change my rule about dating gym boys...I'm still deciding. Here's a new one for ya.

Yesterday morning I was running on the elliptical and I noticed a couple guys kinda watching me and talking...whatever. I finished and was walking to an ABench, one of them smiled at me as I walked by. When I finished there, I was walking back to the elliptical and passed him again. Here's how the conversation went. (I'll use a fake name, not to protect him, but because I can't remember his real name.)

Josh: Hey, how are you?
Me: Good, how are you?
Josh: Good. Are you leaving?
Me: Nope, not yet.

(riveting, I know)

I worked out for another half hour or so and ironically enough, there he was and I had to walk past him again! Here's the next awesome conversation.

Josh: Are you done now?
Me: Yep.
Josh: Hey, I have something for you.
Me: What?
Josh: Do you have a boyfriend? I have something for you.
Me: ...No...I don't...what do you have for me?
Josh: Well, I saw you in here yesterday...and I brought you that ok?
Me: Umm...yeah, I guess.
Josh: Ok, hold on one second.
Me: Ok...
(90 seconds pass)
Josh walks out of the locker room with a rose and a paper with his phone number on it.
Me:, thanks...?
Josh: I know, sorry I'm kinda forward.
Me: No, it's ok...I appreciate it...
(Josh smiles)
Me: Well, I guess I'll maybe see you tomorrow.
Josh: Ok, have a good day.
Me: Thanks, you too.
(Lots of people looking...I walk towards the door...pass a hot trainer gives me the head bob and half smile and says, Nice.)

Hmm...I love roses, but, at the gym?? From someone I've never met?? Kinda sweet and really courageous. But kinda awkward too. If only it woulda come with a frutista freeze. I'd be his. (That won't be funny unless you read the post below this one...and even then, maybe not so much.)


Anonymous said...

Seriously. How do you do it? I mean, you're hot, but you're not THAT hot. HaH! joking. You're that hot.

Randi Kay said...

check you out... bein all hot. I think the gym is the last place anyone would hit on me. I would be in my sweat pants and some free shirt I got by volunteering somewhere that is way too big for me.
so...have you decided if you are coming to NZ or what??