3. My big brother is getting married in 2 months and I need to find a dress. I know 2 months is far away, kind of. But I'm gonna be busy and out of town, so I need to get shopping. I of course wanna lose a few pounds so I'm trying to put it off a little, but lets be honest, can I drop a dress size in 8 weeks?? Maybe...I think I can...I should stop eating this cookie.

4. My friend from Ukraine is coming to town tomorrow. It'll be good to see him. I just found out a few days ago. Everyone who knows me well knows I have an "open door/anyone's welcome" policy. Sometimes I don't get much notice at all, but I really don't mind. Even if I'm out of town I want people to feel like they can use my apartment, my car, eat my food, whatever. I like it that way.
5. I think Salt Lake has too many cops. And I think they have a new quota they're trying to meet on 7th east. Be careful. Also, on a somewhat related note. I'm gonna write a letter to...someone, about upping the speed limit. Who would I send that to?
6. My Spiritual Quest is going well. Or if you ask my LDS friends they'll say my Apostate Cancer is spreading. I'm not apostate, but I think it's kinda funny, and I can't be mad cuz I'm the one who first made that joke. I've had a really good week. Yesterday I went to BYU and met with Dr. Robert Millet. He's an amazing man. I've also been meeting with some members and Pastors of local churches here in Salt Lake, just to talk and ask questions. It's good for me. Bob Millet told me that he thinks it's good, and I respect what he says, so it's good. He said I'll either find more peace in my life on a new path or I'll be stronger in the LDS faith. I agree. He's written so many books and he gave me some to read. He has a new book coming out in July and the idea of it really intrigues me. He gave me a copy of it yesterday. It's not even published and I have it! I'm really excited to read it. Our next meeting is going to be after I finish it, hopefully in a week or two. I had lunch today with a Pastor and one of his first questions was, "Tell me what you like about the LDS church." That was a good question and we had a good talk. The evangelicals really respect LDS people. I'm sad that they sometimes get a bad rep in the LDS eye. I mean, I get it, cuz I've seen the protesters at General Conference and stuff, but as a whole they are wonderful, genuine, accepting people.
7. I found out yesterday that one of my best friends is moving to Puerto Rico this fall. I was hoping it was an April Fool's joke...no such luck. I'm kinda sad, but he's happy so I'm happy... :(
Oh my darling andrea. How I miss thee. I love your spiritual quest. I really admire that you are doing that. Feel free to share with me the books you are reading and what you find out. You are da bomb dot com.
hey...you'll have to tell me about your spiritual quest on the cruise. i'm pretty sure we'll find a piece there...i mean, inner peace. ;) i would go on a spiritual quest if i wasn't so damned satisfied with just not knowing. i admire the curiosity.
Another cruise huh? You're crazy girlie!
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