I hate cars. I might become a bike or a bus girl. Ok...we all know that's not true. But every once in a while I feel like getting rid of my car. Nothing is really
wrong with it. It's just dumb little things. My car is missing a little grate thing on the front, $10.80 -not bad. It's missing one hub cap, $43.83 - WTF. Are you kidding me. For one! Tail light, $4.49 -no prob. Cracked windshield, -free cuz I have a $100.00 deductible that'll get waved. -Sweet, just gotta find the time to do it. Oil change, 29.99 (yeah right) -not bad, again, finding time.
Ok, so I got an oil change last week. And EVERYTIME I go, (which isn't often) they tell me some other thing wrong with it. Like air filters, and blah blah plugs, and something something filters. Whatever. If it moves when I push the gas, I'm good. This time, for the first time, I said no to everything they said I needed. But he did of course tell me that my car
likes super magic platinum high octane turbo charged awesomeness injected oil. And that it'll perform better if I use it. It's like 3 times as much as the normal oil. So in my mind I'm thinking, It's probably the exact same oil and I don't care that much anyway, so leave me alone, I just need a lube dude! But what comes out of my mouth is, "Sure, lets do that." But I figure, I let my car go about 3 times as long as I should between oil changes, so paying 3 times as much evens out.
Ok, yesterday I was sitting in a parking spot in Sugar house and a bum on a bike comes up to my window and tells me I have a tail light burned out. I thanked him for letting me know and then he said, "Do you wanna buy some oxy?" I said, "What?!" He repeated clearly, (like I hadn't heard) " Do you want to buy some oxy? (read that part really clear, it makes it more funny) I said, not thanks, and he rode away. What if I was an undercover cop?! I wish I was. So today I went to Auto Zone. *Sidenote* This is monumental. I fixed a car problem within 24 hours of discovering it. Huge. Anyway, I tell them at Auto Zone what I need and the guy was super helpful, looked up my model and went and got the bulbs. As I was paying, I said, What do I do now. He started laughing and said, I had a feeling you would say that. I smiled and he and another employee offered to come out and change it. I admit, I know Auto Zone is used to big greasy men shopping there so when a
dumb blond walks in, its maybe a nice change. Needless to say, I wasn't worried about finding someone there to help me. (and no Kristin, thats not abusing my powers) I wish I was slightly mechanical and could figure little things like that out, but honestly its not on my priority list right now.

For the past couple days once in a while I see little black spots when I'm reading or typing. I squint a lot. I'm so scared. I'm deathly afraid of eyes. Seeing people putting in contacts, putting on makeup, scratching the corner, etc. It's a huge weird fear of mine. I will never wear contacts, and I will NEVER have lasik surgery. Unless I'm really drunk and I get put totally under to have the procedure. I have glasses, but I think I look weird in em. And they are pretty old, but I'm scared to go to the eye doctor. But I think I need to go. :( It'll probably take me a few months to get the courage up to go.

And lastly for today. Kristin gave me a Beta fish for my birthday last month. When she gave him to me he came with these little water food/cleaner pellet things. I ran out. And because I'm a good pet owner, I went to get more. But they didn't have any. I looked at the 5 fish isles at Petco. They have a lot of fish stuff. I finally found Bowl Buddies. I remember using these with my last beta years ago. And I remember that (as the box says) they are in fact 'fast, fizzy and fun!' But it's not food like the last pellets were. So I needed to buy food too. There's like a bajillion kinds of beta food. It's crazy. But I finally went with Betta Bio-Gold for the simple fact that it 'reduces stress and related illness.' Anything that will make my fish less stressed is worth $2.99 to me. Oh the joy of birthday presents that require continual maintenance. But I love Stephen Fillup. (thats my fishes name)
Ahh...a day in the life of Andrea. I'm glad I almost never get sick of hanging out with me. Oh and guess what else, a miracle happened and I found my lost scriptures at the U. They got lost like 6 months ago. It was weird. Now I can return the ones (that are still unopened) that my mom got me for Christmas.