I really can't believe I actually did this. One picture a day for an entire year. What am I going to do now??
Well, here you go:
December 28
Getting ready to go to California. This is about half of the stuff that we need to fit in our Jetta... plus us... This could be interesting.
December 29
On the road. The White's aren't expecting us until tomorrow night so we're going to surprise them tonight. Paul dropped his glasses in the car and this happened, and because sometimes I'm suddenly 5, I thought it was really funny.
December 30
I guess now I'll have to start real blogging again...
Getting ready to go to California. This is about half of the stuff that we need to fit in our Jetta... plus us... This could be interesting.
On the road. The White's aren't expecting us until tomorrow night so we're going to surprise them tonight. Paul dropped his glasses in the car and this happened, and because sometimes I'm suddenly 5, I thought it was really funny.
Paul's mom gave me felting tools for Christmas. It is so cool! I practiced on this shirt. I'm still kind of a beginner, but give me a while and I'm going to have the coolest scarves and hats.
December 31
I kept having this awful fear all day that I was going to forget to take a picture today. I was going to wait until just before midnight and get a grand news years eve celebration picture, but lets be honest, I've been known to (on several different years) fall asleep before midnight on new years eve. So earlier this evening Paul's aunt, cousins and their 4 kids came over for dinner. I thought this was so cute. He's trying to temp me with his cute dad skills.
Happy New Year, everyone.
I guess now I'll have to start real blogging again...
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