[uh-dik-shuhn] –noun. the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
On average, I eat 4lbs of ice a day. I buy it in 8lb bags and I go through 3-4 bags a week. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I think the most I ever consumed in one day was about 7lbs. It sounds like a lot but if you weighed the water you drink, (or should drink) I think I'm about right on. I drink water too. I prefer ice over any dessert and if I had to choose between ice and a meal, I'd choose ice. When I travel I worry about finding a place that has it. If I'm road tripping I take a cooler just for ice. I crave it all the time and I bet that 99% of the time I can guess how much I can eat in a certain amount of time, and I take exactly enough to get me to my location. I.e, home to Paul's, the gym, church, the airport, etc. I HATE wasting crushed ice, other ice can melt away and I'm fine with it, but crushed ice? its a crime. Unless I'm in a huge hurry I sit in my car and finish it the 1% of the time I'm wrong. I've even snuck it into movie theaters in ziplocs. I also take it camping, but I eat it faster then because I know its slowly melting! I used to buy it at Sonic but now they don't always sell it (depending on their drink purchases that day I guess). Now I get it at Emigration Market. I think they think I'm crazy cuz I'm there so much. I spend about $300 a year on it. (Not including when I buy a drink at Common Cents, just for the ice, but that probably only adds $25 a year though.) Besides Sonic, Common Cents and Emigration Market, you can also get the ice at Bajio's, one of the two machines at Costa Vida in Logan, any hospital, IKEA, a Greek restaurant on historic 25th in Ogden, Red Robin has it in the bar, but you have to ask for it, It's a Grind Coffee Shop in SoCal and TGI Friday's in Keiv, Ukraine. Oh, and Carnival Cruise ships. When I'm down to a half a bag, I get a little worried. The Sonics in California won't sell it in bags and I don't know if little ol' It's a Grind can keep up with me. That's our biggest moving dilemma. I almost never leave the house without a cup of ice. And back in the day when I had friends and a busy social life people would say you're not true friends with me unless you have at least 2 of my plastic cups in your apartment and one in your car.
I hate seeing things like this. What a waste.