Ok, Thursday afternoon my nurse called to let me know that my B-12 is at 143. The lowest its ever been. "Low" is 190. I'm 143. I'd been on B-12 before but in October my old doctor tested me and I was at 150ish. I got on an iron supplement because somehow B-12 and iron are linked, and I've been anemic for years and when dealing with anemia B-12 and iron are best friends. By December I was in the 200's so I was to continue the iron prescription, but didn't need B-12. Well, at the end of December I went and got myself all pregnant, and apparently this baby thinks B-12 is delicious and he's taking it all. (I'll teach him to share when he comes out.) So, the nurse called in a prescription. The B-12 is injection form, so after work Paul went and picked up the meds and the syringes. Friday morning we went to the hospital with all our gear and a PA gave me a shot and taught Paul how to give me a shot, (So I don't have to go to the hospital everyday.) So Paul is now giving me a shot every night for a week, then every week for a month, and every month for...ever, probably.
After my first shot on Friday my right eye turned pink, totally unrelated I've found out now, but I tried all weekend to blame the b-12. I was miserable all weekend, still taking meds, still getting shots, still having a red swollen burning, itching eye. This morning we had a normal appointment with my OB. Things went fine. Although she told me to add ANOTHER iron supplement. Also, she casually mentioned that I needed to go get checked for pink eye. I asked if she thought it was a B-12 reaction, she looked at me like "No stupid, it's pink eye." Awesome. So we left there and I headed to an insta-care. Yes, it's pink eye. (And a cold and swollen tonsils.) Got ANOTHER prescription for eye drops and got home 4 hours later.
I was a little discouraged and emotional today after doctor visit number one, but after number two and a trip to the pharmacy. I'm ok. I typically wouldn't get emotional about an eye infection and an extra vitamin, but I'm pregnant. I need an entire box of tissues just to watch Lincoln Financial Group and Foldger's Coffee commercials, so give me a break.
In two weeks I go back for more blood work to test all of the above and two weeks later I go back for my diabetes test and my first Rhogam shot, (because of the negative blood.)
Oh and because I hate milk and don't get a lot of dairy, I'm adding a calcium supplement, too What's one more pill?!
So just to make sure you got all that.
-prenatals (2 pills)
-prescription iron
-over the counter iron
-B-12 shots
-Negative blood
-a cold
-pink eye
-back pain
-no sleep
-calcium pill
-a healthy baby who is (thankfully) taking everything he needs from me.
-an amazing baby heartbeat that I could listen to all day.
-a BIG baby, who measured 24 weeks and not the 23 weeks and a day that I'm technically at right now.
-3 lbs gained this month, which I'm not complaining about. This puts me at 6.4 lbs thus far in the pregnancy.
-An amazing husband who is totally kicking butt and the whole "in sickness and in health" thing. I couldn't do this without him.
I'm so excited to meet this little guy. In spite of everything I just complai...documented, I love being pregnant. I love feeling him kick, I love that I can lay in bed with my hands on my belly and feel him wiggling around in there. I love him so much.