I took Dave to the hospital for surgery. He broke his colar bone 4 wheeling. We was suppose the be there at 1:30, then they changed it to 4:30, then we got there and waited and waited and waited...they said 7:00, then 7:30, then 8:00...he finally went in for surgery a little after 9:30PM! Then after surgery the doctor went home and forgot to tell us Dave was in recovery. We sat in the waiting room til 1:00AM and Dave waited for us for an hour! Long day!

Paul and I went to Cabela's to do a little birthday shopping for my dad. We had dinner there and wandered around. That's a cool place!

My man became a Licensed Funeral Director in the state of Utah! I'm so proud of him. :)

We had a little yard work night tonight. I mowed the lawn for the first time in my life. (3 brothers always had that job when we were growing up.) Here's Taylor pruning a tree.

SURPRISE!!! Dad turned 60 on the 21st but he was on a business trip all week. We had a surprise party for him at Dave and Neally's tonight.

I got pulled over today. It was one of those days where I was having female problems and I needed to make an emergency run to the store. I got pulled over for a burned out tail light. When his lights went on I remembered my new *insurance card that had come in the mail this week that was still on the table at home. He gave me a no proof of insurance ticket that will be waved if I take take my card to the court house. Easy, but annoying, and not my first time. Then he pointed out that my address on my registration is different than my license. He was kind enough to inform me that its the law that you have to get that info changed within 10 days of a move. I was almost kind enough to inform him that I'd be willing to bet that in the 13 years I've been driving I bet my address has been correct for maybe 3 years. Instead, I just told him I was getting married in 7 weeks and I probably wouldn't be worrying about it until I changed my last name. It was just long and annoying, one of those bored Sunday cops who feels the need to tell me every little law I'm breaking. *the 3 out of 13 years thing probably also applies to a current insurance card thing. Also, this is the 3rd time I've been pulled over and ticketed (all for the same thing) on Main St. in Centerville.