2. We finished our birth class last night. We feel really good about all we've learned. The nursery is done. The birth plan is complete. The bags are pretty well packed. And the emergency bucket of supplies for the car is ready. Now we just go to the doc once a week and wait...
3. Speaking of waiting. I went into work yesterday. Yes I quit my job but I had a couple projects I wanted to finish. I've worked 6 hours in 3 weeks. Exhausting. ;) Anyway, a co-worker asked how close I was and I said, "just over 37 weeks." He said, "So any day now!" He's like the 10th person who has said that in the past week. I thought "any day now" started at 39.5 weeks. But 37 is full term, and if labor started my doc wouldn't be concerned and it would just happen. That's weird to think about... I kinda miss the crafty world I used to live in. I found this online and thought it fit!

5. We had a movie night on Sunday with some of Paul's co-workers and their families. We watched 'Newsies'. (Paul's idea) He actually had to go buy it that day because we didn't own it and he really wanted to watch it. It's funny how cool those kind of movies are when you're young and how funny and cheesy they are when you're old. The same thing happened to me and my brother Taylor in Hawaii with 'Harry and the Hendersons.'
I haven't seen Harry and the Hendersons in forever! I think I need to buy that for my bro for Christmas this year... :D
Landline? What's that :)
I don't know why those are still included in bundles anymore...seriously.
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