May 25
Paul took me to a Dinosaur museum in St. George. I started loving dinos lately and wish they were still alive. So cool!
May 26
The sunset the day my uncle died. Sunsets seem more heaveny when you see them after losing a loved one.
May 27
Funeral detail day. I went to my uncles house to get his clothes he'll be buried in. My brother Dave saw this hat and told me to take it. My uncle was also a Seahawks fan, I think he woulda wanted me to have it.
May 28
I did my bridals today. It was fun and Kylee is awesome. It's funny how the death of my uncle has made the wedding details seem less necessary. I just want to be married, and if a couple things don't get done, they just won't get done. No big deal, not important.
May 29
We flew to California for a wedding. This is Me, Bethany and Robyn at our friend Kim's wedding. (My one picture of the bride didn't turn out.) Our plan was to drive to CA friday and be there for the 6:00 wedding then drive home all day sunday, (or cancel all together) but when Paul's dad heard the news of my uncle, he bought us plane tickets so we could relax a little and not have such an exhausting weekend of driving. He's wonderful.
May 30
We worked on the yard today. We're having a family and close friends BBQ after our reception in 3 weeks and today was spent mostly outside planting. It was so fun and the yard is looking amazing. My future in-laws are working so hard!
May 31
This is a fence i build...ok, I take credit for it. Phil (Paul's dad) did the building part, but I was there every step of the way to figure measurements and numbers and hold the light stuff. It was actually kinda fun. A nice, relaxing, much needed break.

The sunset the day my uncle died. Sunsets seem more heaveny when you see them after losing a loved one.

Funeral detail day. I went to my uncles house to get his clothes he'll be buried in. My brother Dave saw this hat and told me to take it. My uncle was also a Seahawks fan, I think he woulda wanted me to have it.

I did my bridals today. It was fun and Kylee is awesome. It's funny how the death of my uncle has made the wedding details seem less necessary. I just want to be married, and if a couple things don't get done, they just won't get done. No big deal, not important.

We flew to California for a wedding. This is Me, Bethany and Robyn at our friend Kim's wedding. (My one picture of the bride didn't turn out.) Our plan was to drive to CA friday and be there for the 6:00 wedding then drive home all day sunday, (or cancel all together) but when Paul's dad heard the news of my uncle, he bought us plane tickets so we could relax a little and not have such an exhausting weekend of driving. He's wonderful.

We worked on the yard today. We're having a family and close friends BBQ after our reception in 3 weeks and today was spent mostly outside planting. It was so fun and the yard is looking amazing. My future in-laws are working so hard!

This is a fence i build...ok, I take credit for it. Phil (Paul's dad) did the building part, but I was there every step of the way to figure measurements and numbers and hold the light stuff. It was actually kinda fun. A nice, relaxing, much needed break.