September 21
It's getting cold in Utah. I had to pull put the onesie tonight!
September 22
I feel like I clean up and create this mess everyday. I don't, but I feel like it. I need a project room.
September 23
So now that it's cold I decided it's soup weather. How cute is this little potatoe soup set up?! I'm kind of a nerd. I made it myself. And I this it looks cute.
September 24
Paul woke me up this morning having chest pains. It was scary for a while but after 7 hours in the ER they sent us home. Everything seems to be ok this evening. (By the way, I didn't have my camera so I took this with my phone. Paul wasn't too happy.)
September 25
My in-laws came to town kinda last minute yesterday to see if Paul was ok. His mom was road tripping from CO to WY so she turned around and came to SLC. His dad flew in from CA and with in a couple hours here we all were. Not how I expected the day to go when I went to bed Wednesday night but its been fun. We went to Ruth's Diner for dinner. A diners drive-ins and dives place. My in-laws are totally into that show. It was delicious!
September 26
More in-law time. Today Paul and Phil went to hit golf balls and hang out. Becca and I went to the gem show and then did crafts! (Surprised?) They came into the store yesterday and she got some ideas, bought some stuff, and ta-da! Then we went to dinner at P.F. Changs.
September 27
Auntie and Uncle Jon had us up for dinner tonight. It was good to be together with everyone. This is my Aunt and Uncle in their yard.
I feel like I clean up and create this mess everyday. I don't, but I feel like it. I need a project room.
So now that it's cold I decided it's soup weather. How cute is this little potatoe soup set up?! I'm kind of a nerd. I made it myself. And I this it looks cute.
Paul woke me up this morning having chest pains. It was scary for a while but after 7 hours in the ER they sent us home. Everything seems to be ok this evening. (By the way, I didn't have my camera so I took this with my phone. Paul wasn't too happy.)

My in-laws came to town kinda last minute yesterday to see if Paul was ok. His mom was road tripping from CO to WY so she turned around and came to SLC. His dad flew in from CA and with in a couple hours here we all were. Not how I expected the day to go when I went to bed Wednesday night but its been fun. We went to Ruth's Diner for dinner. A diners drive-ins and dives place. My in-laws are totally into that show. It was delicious!
More in-law time. Today Paul and Phil went to hit golf balls and hang out. Becca and I went to the gem show and then did crafts! (Surprised?) They came into the store yesterday and she got some ideas, bought some stuff, and ta-da! Then we went to dinner at P.F. Changs.
Auntie and Uncle Jon had us up for dinner tonight. It was good to be together with everyone. This is my Aunt and Uncle in their yard.