Friday, March 21, 2014

Impromptu Mimi Time

So my injured rib went from bad, to a tiny little bit better, to worse. I was having a hard time breathing and could hardly stand up. I think I went 5 full days feeling desperate to yawn, but wasn't able too. I called my mom on the worst day, mostly to tell her we bought a new computer so she has something fast and reliable now to work on when she's here and working remotely. But I never made it to that part before bursting into tears about the pain I was in. And wow, it hurt so bad to cry. A couple hours later she'd booked a flight and was here the next afternoon. I don't know what I would have done without her help. She did so much! Meal prep, cleaning, laundry, freezer meal making, helped get the house picked up for carpet cleaners, playing with the kids, let me sleep in... I could go on and on. 
She was here for six days and I was feeling so much better by the time she had to go. Still not 100% and still taking it really easy. No lifting, light on the house work, really short walks. My doc says it'll be painful until after the baby's born so I've accepted that. And now I just wait. 
We decided to take the toddler bed plunge while my mom was here, in hopes that Addie would fall asleep when we put her to bed instead of complaining for two hours. So far so (kind of) good. More on that later. 

The carpet cleaners were at our house for about 5 hours on St. Patrick's day so we tried to stay out as long as possible. 

I had a doctor appointment that afternoon and my mom prepped our festive meal. 

The kids sure love her and are already courting down to the next visit. They practice their "baby is here" phone call to her, and Garrett asks several times a day, "now is the baby getting born??" 

Thanks Mom! We love you. 

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