Monday, June 23, 2008


1. What was I doing 10 years ago? I'd just graduated from High School and I was a couple weeks away from moving to I was kind of packing but spending most of my time with Melanie, Taft and Shane.

2. What was I doing 5 years ago? I was counting down the days til my wedding, I was also moving, working and taking a couple summer classes. I was busy and happy.

3. What was I doing 5 months ago? I was getting over jet lag from my trip to Ukraine and packing for my trip to Peru.

4. 5 Things on My To Do List: Mostly little things... a hub cap
--2.clean my apartment
--3.finish a couple work things
--4.Go grocery shopping Comcast

5. 5 Snacks I Enjoy...
--1.crushed ice
--2.swedish fish
--4.chocolate strawberries
--5.more crushed ice

6. 5 things I would do if I became a Billionaire... to all the countries on my list
--2.keep doing the job I have now, but add a ton more projects. off houses and cars for the fam and a few friends a truck
--5.go to Wendy's

7. 5 Bad Habits...
--1.too sarcastic
--2.too emotional
--3.knuckle popping

8. 5 Places I have lived... Roy, Ut. Weisbaden Germany, Mainz-Gonsenhiem Germany, Louisville, KY, The SLC.

9. 5 Jobs I've Had... CCO Supervisor, Undercover Security, Feature Films for Families, IDFL, International Relations.

10. 5 people to tag...I'm not much of a tagger...have at it if you want to :) Thanks Joni!

1 comment:

Rin said...

That's too funny because I have one on my foot and had wanted to get it in brownish ink so it would look like a henna one, but the guy talked me into getting it in black ink. I like little tattoos...but I still wouldn't call mine art :)